compare this

with this please comment on cbox

super nice song very nice

click this because it is fun!!!

try this

try this too

Answer 3 questions
right to see what's
Locked Inside!
What's inside?
just check it out

Question 1: what is my favourite storybook
A) Tintin
B) Astrix
C) Mr Midnight

Question 2: what does ryan share with jonathan
A) his blog
B) maplestory
C) nothing ryan is secretive

Question 3: what is my favourite game
A) maplestory
B) runescape
C) miniclip games

Make Your Own Locker

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A problem I encountered and how I managed to solve it

This problem happened only two minutes ago. Let my elaborate on myself. Today when I came back from school, I realised that today was the last day of the writing of blog posts. When i realised that i still had one more to go i decided to immediately start on it. As usual I switched on my computer, entered my password and waited for it to start up. I was browsing the blog assignment worksheet while waiting for it to start up. When it finally did, i decided to start on the blog immediately as i had come home late because of choir practice today. So, i launched Google chrome and typed in ''''. It took about seven minutes to load up and I immediately sensed that something was wrong as blogger on my computer usually takes about less than ten seconds to load up. I typed in my user name and password and logged in. I waited for the page to load for quite some time as i knew my computer was unusually quite slow. After ten minutes the page loaded and it said ''the website cannot be displayed. The address may have moved to another webpage or may have been permanently deleted. I was devastated. What had happened at this desperate time. I then noticed that by signal strength was weak. I disconnected and connected the wireless again but to no avail. Finally i decided to ff the main power for the wireless router and waited for about 5 minutes. When I turned it on again nothing was changed. I started to panic. This blog assignment was 50% of the CA1 and this happened at the last minute. I decided to cool down and turned off my computer, the main power switch and waited for about 20 minutes again. I tried to use blogger again but to no avail. Finally i decided to e-mail Mr Hamilton ,my class form teacher, and inform him about my situation. After i did so i decided to try blogger for one last time and it worked. i checked my internet signal and it was normal. I rejoiced and started to write that account as a problem i encountered and how i managed to solve it. Even now as i look as my wireless strength signal it shows as weak, the same as which when i could not get through blogger. Now even i do no know if there this post is going to get through. Hence i am going to save it in a notepad and transfer it tommorow at school if it does not work.Good night!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A special moment enjoyed with my family

A special moment when i enjoyed with my family was on my birthday. Usually we would invite my friends and family and have a party at my house. However we decided to do it differently this year. My family and I decided to go out and enjoy my birthday. On the day of my birthday we woke my at about and headed down to downtown east. We planning to go to wild wild wet that day. When we went to the ticket booth, my mother convinced the cashier that i was below thirteen years old and we bought the family package. When we went into the water park I was flabbergasted by the changes downtown east had made to it. My last visit there was only two years ago and they changed the whole park. We borrowed a locker and two life jackets for my mother and my brother. I ran to the most scariest ride first, the dark slide, as i nicknamed it. As the name says we slide down a pitch black down tunnel slide and land into a two point three metre pool. Altogether i think i went on that ride consecutively for eighteen times. I went on all the slides about ten times each in the whole trip. We at our tea break there. It consisted of two cans of coke and hot dog bread, before coming out. Than we did some shopping for my birthday present. We went home and rested a while before going out for dinner. We ate out dinner at my favourite seafood restaurant- the food court near my house. I ate hotplate black pepper deer meat, three bowls of rice and a pot of tom yam seafood soup. i ate the hearty meal and enjoyed myself. When i came home i ended my birthday we using the computer thourghout midnight until about three a.m the next morning.


Monday, January 25, 2010

A moment spent alone doing something you enjoyed

Hello Mr Hamilton and friends,

Welcome to my blog. Today I will be doing my first actual blog post assignment. Well the first topic is ''A moment spent alone doing something you enjoyed,'' and that is exactly what I am going to blog about today. Well my hobbies are, like most teenagers, are computer gaming and reading. Today I will be talking about both my hobbies. Lets start with computer gaming. I played my first computer game when i was in primary 3.

The game ,which many people know, is called ''runescape.'' Back than, it was one of the most popular games but has lost it popularity in the years that have passed. I was appalled by this game as it had what you would call good graphics at that time. I was fascinated by the fact that we could 'live' in a fictional universe called Gielinor and it was similar to the medieval age. We could customize our avatars, do quests and best of all chat! Alright enough about computer games, now i am going to talk to talk about reading being my hobby.

My reading hobby started at around primary 3. One of my first favourite series was ''The Hardy Boys.'' I finished 91 books in the series just as i went the secondary 1. There i met a boy named Ashwin who also enjoyed reading books. He recommended me a few series books and they have now become some of my favourite series. '' Artemis Fowl'', ''Alex Rider'' , ''Percy Jackson'' are just some of them. The first book in the series ''Percy Jackson'' has been made into a movie and will be released in Singapore on 12 February 2010. My hope is to be one of first people in Singapore to watch it. I have just finished the 8th book in the Alex Rider series which is called ''Crocodile tears''.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Something unusual happened that day

Something really unusual happened today at school. This is how it happened. I went into my class yesterday and we went through our language period without anything weird and exciting happening,very unusal. The day was unusually boring and nothing fun happened as the 'exciting' boys in our class were absent. When i went home i ate rice with fried fish watched television, and did some of my homework. Then, i went to tuition and sufferred there with a lot of lectures and other stuff. I came home watched television for a while and went to sleep. The next day,today, i went back to school and strangely, those who didnt come yesterday were not here today ,again. Hence, the lessons today was again boring and went thorough without anything happening. I went home today and ate the same meal i ate yseterday which was strange because my mother usuallycooked for me different meals on different days. My routine was the same as yesterday. It all hapened like Dejavu. This was the wierdest thing that has happened to me so far. Thanks

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Something that took place in school

Something weird happened at school. First lets start from the start of school. As usual we had literature for the first to periods, mother tongue, PE-theory, Maths and History. The subjects were not boring. We got a lot of homework as usual, suffering during the weekend. Wait let me continue my story. We were studying through history period for about 40 minutes when the whole classroom was dimly filled with smoke. At first nobody noticed it. After a while people started to notice it the smoke and were distracted from the lesson. Since I was sitting relatively near to the window, I was one of the first people to notice the smoke. By the time the teacher noticed the smoke, the whole corridor was filled with it. Everyone was murmuring among themselves thinking that it was a fire at the opposite classroom and why the fire alarm hadn't gone off. They were all waiting for the bell to go off to get out of class. Finally the teacher noticed it and went out to see what the commotion was all about. Apparently one of the students had 'accidentally' pressed the lever of the fire extinguisher. Our teacher scolded the boy who did it and we could see tears welling up in his eyes. All of us were giggling to ourselves trying to cover the fact that we were laughing. Finally the fog cleared up and everyone resumed their studies as per normal. However from the atmosphere of the class i knew that that incident would stick in our mind for a long time. In the end the question lingured in my mind why would someone on the fire extinguisher

Friday, January 22, 2010

First Blog Assignment

Bonjour! Mr Hamilton. Welcome to my blog. This blog was created in 2007,so some of the information here may be outdated. I have not been checking on this blog and just started when you alerted us on the blog assignment. Well, lets get started.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

it has been a long time

WOW long time no time i post was.....w8 lemme check erm....October 24 2008! Well that is 1 year and a few months ago. Erm please link into your blog if u visit my blog. Thanks in advance. Well a little biography about what i am doing now. Now i am Sec 2 same as the 6Aliens ^-^. Now I am in Victoria School in class 2D. If you don't know where that is ... well near bedok interchange......about 15mins bus ride from my school.Total Time Taken To school: 1 hour! Well the main reason my blog start again suddenly is that my teacher has asked the whole of my class for blog assignment!!! Take up 50% of CA1 (and yes i do have CA1 -_-) Well thats all for now if your from 6a you probably saw the post i made in the cbox in :-) ) Bye for now!