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Answer 3 questions
right to see what's
Locked Inside!
What's inside?
just check it out

Question 1: what is my favourite storybook
A) Tintin
B) Astrix
C) Mr Midnight

Question 2: what does ryan share with jonathan
A) his blog
B) maplestory
C) nothing ryan is secretive

Question 3: what is my favourite game
A) maplestory
B) runescape
C) miniclip games

Make Your Own Locker

Thursday, January 7, 2010

it has been a long time

WOW long time no time i post was.....w8 lemme check erm....October 24 2008! Well that is 1 year and a few months ago. Erm please link into your blog if u visit my blog. Thanks in advance. Well a little biography about what i am doing now. Now i am Sec 2 same as the 6Aliens ^-^. Now I am in Victoria School in class 2D. If you don't know where that is ... well near bedok interchange......about 15mins bus ride from my school.Total Time Taken To school: 1 hour! Well the main reason my blog start again suddenly is that my teacher has asked the whole of my class for blog assignment!!! Take up 50% of CA1 (and yes i do have CA1 -_-) Well thats all for now if your from 6a you probably saw the post i made in the cbox in :-) ) Bye for now!

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