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Answer 3 questions
right to see what's
Locked Inside!
What's inside?
just check it out

Question 1: what is my favourite storybook
A) Tintin
B) Astrix
C) Mr Midnight

Question 2: what does ryan share with jonathan
A) his blog
B) maplestory
C) nothing ryan is secretive

Question 3: what is my favourite game
A) maplestory
B) runescape
C) miniclip games

Make Your Own Locker

Friday, January 22, 2010

First Blog Assignment

Bonjour! Mr Hamilton. Welcome to my blog. This blog was created in 2007,so some of the information here may be outdated. I have not been checking on this blog and just started when you alerted us on the blog assignment. Well, lets get started.

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