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Answer 3 questions
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Locked Inside!
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Question 1: what is my favourite storybook
A) Tintin
B) Astrix
C) Mr Midnight

Question 2: what does ryan share with jonathan
A) his blog
B) maplestory
C) nothing ryan is secretive

Question 3: what is my favourite game
A) maplestory
B) runescape
C) miniclip games

Make Your Own Locker

Thursday, October 4, 2007

follow your heart

when i hear this piece of music i feel that i am running in a race and trying to reach my goal of being first.there are people beside me almost finishing the race but i should try my best. when i am about to give up and lose my strength, i can see the finishing line ahead of me and i am in the lead so i comtinue running, trying my best.